The board of directors of DOF ASA has pursuant to section 5-7(2) of the
Norwegian Public Limited Companies Act received a request for an extraordinary
general meeting ("EGM") to be held to consider a proposal to elect a new board
of directors in the company. The request has been submitted on behalf of Bjarte
Brønmo and Sans Invest AS holding more than 5% of the share capital. It has been
informed that Leif Salomonsen will be proposed as new chair of the board and
that the other candidates will be presented prior to the general meeting.
The board of directors will convene an EGM to be held no later than 14 December
We also attach a new letter received from the financial creditors of the DOF
Group, in which it (i) once again is reiterated by the financial creditors that
there is no room for further negotiations, (ii) is confirmed that the financial
creditors stand by their statement that they, if necessary, will contribute to
implementation of the restructuring through a forced reconstruction and/or
bankruptcy in DOF ASA and (ii) is expressed that the financial creditors
thereby, and in order to preserve the interests of the DOF Group's employees,
suppliers and customers, are prepared to contribute to the preservation of the
DOF Group's value as a going concern irrespective of the contribution of the
shareholders. Further to this, the financial creditors have made it clear that
there are no other available alternatives than the negotiated restructuring
solution unless the overdue debt of approximately NOK 23 billion is settled. In
the same letter it is further emphasized that any action that would be contrary
to the interest of the DOF group and the stakeholders of DOF ASA (multitude of
the shareholders, creditors etc.) will expose the board of directors in DOF ASA
at any given time to personal liability.
For further information, please contact:
CEO Mons Aase, tel. +47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, tel. +47 91 66 10 09
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
November 17, 2022
Styret i DOF ASA har i henhold til allmennaksjeloven § 5-7(2) mottatt et krav om
at det avholdes ekstraordinær generalforsamling for å behandle et forslag om
valg av nytt styre i selskapet. Kravet er sendt på vegne av Bjarte Brønmo og
Sans Invest AS som eier mer enn 5 % av aksjekapitalen. Det er opplyst at Leif
Salomonsen vil bli foreslått valgt som ny styreleder og at øvrige kandidater vil
bli presentert før generalforsamlingen.
Styret vil innkalle til ekstraordinær generalforsamling som vil bli avholdt
senest 14. desember 2022.
Vedlagt følger også et nytt brev mottatt fra DOF-konsernets finansielle
kreditorer, hvor det (i) på ny understrekes fra de finansielle kreditorenes side
at det ikke er rom for ytterligere forhandlinger, (ii) bekreftes at de
finansielle kreditorene står ved at de vil medvirke til at restruktureringen om
nødvendig vil bli gjennomført gjennom en tvungen rekonstruksjon og/eller konkurs
i DOF ASA og at (iii) uttrykkes at de finansielle kreditorene på denne måten, og
for å ivareta interessene til DOF-konsernets ansatte, leverandører og kunder, er
innstilt på å medvirke til at DOF-konsernets verdi som "going concern"
opprettholdes uavhengig av aksjonærenes medvirkning. Det er gjort uttrykkelig
klart fra de finansielle kreditorene at det ikke foreligger noen annen løsning
enn den fremforhandlede restruktureringsløsningen, uten oppgjør av hele den
forfalte gjelden på ca. 23 milliarder norske kroner. Det påpekes videre i samme
brev at handlinger som strider mot DOF konsernets interesser, herunder
interessenter i DOF ASA (en betydelig andel av aksjonærer, kreditorer etc.)
innebærer et personlig ansvar for et til enhver tid sittende styre i DOF ASA.
For nærmere informasjon vennligst kontakt:
CEO Mons Aase, tel. +47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, tel. +47 91 66 10 09
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
November 17, 2022
Reference is made to the extraordinary general meeting (the "EGM") in DOF ASA
held today. Please find attached the minutes from the EGM.
For further information, please contact:
CEO Mons Aase, tel. +47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, tel. +47 91 66 10 09
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity. DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management,
project management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention
and diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
November 11, 2022
Reference is made to the notice of the extraordinary general meeting (the "EGM")
in DOF ASA ("DOF" and together with its subsidiaries the "Group") published on
21 October 2022.
The EGM has today voted against the resolutions required to implement the
proposed restructuring of the Group in a consensual manner.
The minutes from the EGM will be published shortly.
As informed in the announcement made on 3 November 20221, DOF and the creditors
of the Group have for this scenario agreed to implement the proposed
restructuring of DOF as a forced process pursuant to the Norwegian
Reconstruction Act or through a bankruptcy in DOF, as previously communicated.
Further information will be provided in due course.
For further information, please contact:
CEO Mons Aase, tel. +47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, tel. +47 91 66 10 09
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity. DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management,
project management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention
and diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
November 11, 2022
Reference is made to the previous announcement on 24 October 2022 regarding
summons to bondholders' meetings in DOF Subsea AS' three bond loans (FRN DOF
Subsea AS Senior Unsecured Bond Issue 2013/2020 (DOFSUB07, ISIN NO0010971005),
DOF Subsea AS 9.50% Senior Unsecured Bond Issue 2017/2022 (DOFSUB08, ISIN
NO0010788177) and FRN DOF Subsea AS Senior Unsecured Bond Issue 2018/2023
(DOFSUB09, ISIN NO0010836810)) in which DOF Subsea AS requested the bondholders'
approval of the contemplated restructuring of the DOF group by a consensual
implementation, or, in the event that the Extraordinary General Meeting in DOF
ASA on 11 November 2022 does not approve a consensual restructuring, to complete
the restructuring through alternative implementation steps.
DOF Subsea AS is pleased to announce that the bondholders' meetings were held
today and the proposed resolution received 99.78%, 98.43% and 96.70% of the
votes in DOFSUB07, DOFSUB08, and DOFSUB09, respectively. Approval of the
proposal set out in the summons required 2/3 majority in all three bonds, and
the proposal was consequently approved. Please see the attached minutes from the
bondholders' meetings.
CEO Mons Aase, tel. +47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, tel. +47 91 66 10 09
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,800 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity. DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management,
project management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention
and diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
November 7, 2022
Det vises til børsmeldingen fra DOF ASA ("DOF" og sammen med sine
datterselskaper, "Gruppen") 22. juni 2022 om inngåelse av en avtale med en
betydelig gruppe kreditorer og enkelte andre interessenter om en helhetlig
finansiell restrukturering ("Restruktureringen"), børsmeldingen 13. oktober 2022
med en oppdatering om Restruktureringen og innkallingen datert 21. oktober 2022
til den ekstraordinære generalforsamlingen i DOF som skal avholdes 11. november
DOF har i dag mottatt et brev fra rådgiverne til de største kreditorene til
Gruppen ("Kreditorbrevet"). Kreditorbrevet er et vedlegg til vedlagte brev fra
styreleder i DOF til aksjonærene.
Aksjonærene oppfordres til å lese brevene og informasjonen som er fremhevet
nedenfor nøye, før de tar noen beslutninger om hvordan de skal stemme på den
ekstraorfinære generalforsamlingen.
Det fremgår av Kreditorbrevet at:
i. det ikke er rom for videre forhandlinger med kreditorene ;
ii. gjennomføringen av Restruktureringen, som foreslått for den ekstraordinære
generalforsamlingen, er det eneste frivillige alternativet til et krav fra
kreditorene om full tilbakebetaling av lånene ; og
iii. dersom aksjonærene ikke fatter de nødvendige vedtakene på den
ekstraordinære generalforsamlingen, vil den foreslåtte Restruktureringen bli
gjennomført som en tvungen prosess i henhold til den norske rekonstruksjonsloven
eller gjennom en konkurs i DOF, som vil gi aksjonærene mindre eller ingen verdi
sammenlignet med den foreslåtte frivillige Restruktureringen.
Som understreket av styreleder i vedlagte brev til aksjonærene i DOF, bør alle
aksjonærer, før de bestemmer seg for hvordan de skal stemme, særlig vurdere
følgende elementer nøye:
i. Aksjonærene i DOF vil motta den høyeste verdien (og den største andelen av
en eventuell fremtidig verdistigning) dersom Restruktureringen blir godkjent i
den ekstraordinære generalforsamlingen ;
ii. den foreslåtte frivillige Restruktureringen gir aksjonærene 4 % av
aksjekapitalen, selv om egenkapitalen i DOF i realiteten er tapt i den rådende
situasjonen. Dette er en gunstig løsning gitt Gruppens nåværende stilling og det
er en gunstig løsning sammenlignet med lignende restruktureringssaker ;
iii. dersom aksjonærene ikke godkjenner Restruktureringen på den ekstraordinære
generalforsamlingen, vil Restruktureringen bli gjennomført som en tvungen
prosess i henhold til rekonstruksjonsloven, og aksjonærene vil i så fall bare
være sikret 1 % av aksjekapitalen etter Restruktureringen ;
iv. i tilfelle Restruktureringen ikke kan gjennomføres i henhold til
rekonstruksjonsloven, vil Restruktureringen bli gjennomført gjennom en konkurs i
DOF og aksjonærene i DOF vil sitte igjen uten noe verdi ; og
v. minoritetsaksjonærgruppens argumenter knyttet til underliggende verdier i
konsernet og videre at konkurs ikke vil bli erklært, er dessverre basert på
grunnleggende misforståelser da konkursalternativet vil bli gjennomført om
nødvendig og de eksisterende aksjonærene da vil sitte igjen uten noe verdi.
For det tilfellet at fullmakt allerede er inngitt, presiseres det at fullmakten,
helt frem til generalforsamlingen (kl. 12.00 den 11. november 2022), vil kunne
trekkes tilbake og endres til en instruks om å stemme for forslagene til vedtak
på generalforsamlingen.
DOF har også merket seg at enkelte minoritetsaksjonærer har gitt uttrykk for at
de ikke har mottatt nødvendig informasjon fra DOF. Det skal i denne forbindelse
bemerkes at representanter for DOF har kontaktet et stort antall aksjonærer for
å forklare informasjonen som er gitt til aksjonærene gjennom børsmeldinger og
innkallingen til den ekstraordinære generalforsamlingen. Enhver aksjonær, som
fortsatt har behov for ytterligere informasjon, er imidlertid velkommen til å
CFO Hilde Drønen, tlf. +47 916 61 009
CFO (Acting) Martin Lundberg, tlf. +47 916 21 057
Group General Counsel Petter O. Pharo, tlf. +47 982 06 477
Denne informasjonen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven § 5-12.
Med en multinasjonal arbeidsstyrke på rundt 3.900 ansatte, er DOF ASA en
internasjonal gruppe av selskaper som eier og driver en flåte av moderne
offshore/undervannsfartøy, og ingeniørkapasitet for å betjene både offshore- og
subseamarkedet. Med over 40 år i offshorebransjen har Gruppen en sterk posisjon
når det gjelder erfaring, innovasjon, produktspekter, teknologi og kapasitet.
DOFs kjernevirksomhet er fartøyseierskap, fartøysledelse, prosjektledelse,
engineering, fartøysoperasjoner, kartlegging, fjernintervensjon og
dykkeoperasjoner primært for olje- og gassektoren. Fra PSV charter til Subsea
engineering, DOF tilbyr et komplett spekter av offshoretjenester av topp
kvalitet for å legge til rette for en stadig voksende og krevende industri.
Selskapets viktigste driftssentre og forretningsenheter er lokalisert i Norge,
Storbritannia, USA, Singapore, Brasil, Argentina, Canada, Angola og Australia.
DOF ASA har vært notert på Oslo Børs siden 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
November 3, 2022
Reference is made to the announcement made by DOF ASA ("DOF" and together with
its subsidiaries the "Group") on 22 June 2022 regarding the execution of an
agreement with a substantial group of creditors and certain other stakeholders
on a comprehensive financial restructuring (the "Restructuring"), the
announcement on 13 October 2022 with an update on the Restructuring process and
the notice published on 21 October 2022 of the extraordinary general meeting in
DOF to be held on 11 November 2022 (the "EGM").
DOF has today received a letter from the advisors of the main creditors of the
Group (the "Creditor Letter"). The Creditor Letter is attached to the enclosed
letter from the chairman of DOF to the shareholders.
The shareholders are urged to read the letters and the information highlighted
below carefully prior to making any decisions on how to vote at the EGM.
It is made clear in the Creditor Letter that:
i. there is no room for further negotiations with the creditors ;
ii. the implementation of the Restructuring as proposed to the EGM is the only
consensual alternative to a claim from the creditors for full repayment of the
loans ; and
iii. in the event that the shareholders fail to approve the required resolutions
at the EGM, the proposed Restructuring will be implemented as a forced process
pursuant to the Norwegian Reconstruction Act or through a bankruptcy in DOF,
providing the shareholders with less or no value compared to the proposed
consensual Restructuring.
As emphasized by the chairman in the attached letter to the shareholders of DOF,
all shareholders should prior to deciding how to vote in particular consider the
following elements carefully:
i. The shareholders of DOF will receive the highest value (and the largest
portion of any future upside) in the event that the Restructuring is approved by
the EGM ;
ii. the proposed consensual Restructuring provides the shareholders with 4 % of
the share capital even if the equity in DOF in reality is lost in the prevailing
financial situation. This is a favorable solution given the existing status of
the Group and also compared to similar restructuring cases ;
iii. in the event that the shareholders fail to approve the Restructuring at the
EGM, the Restructuring will be implemented as a forced process pursuant to the
Norwegian Reconstruction Act in which event the shareholders will only be
secured 1 % of the share capital following the Restructuring ;
iv. in the event that the Restructuring cannot be implemented pursuant to the
Reconstruction Act, the Restructuring will be implemented through a bankruptcy
in DOF and the shareholders of DOF will be left with zero value ; and
v. the arguments presented by the group of minority shareholders relating to
underlying values in the Group and that a bankruptcy will not be declared, are
unfortunately based on fundamental misunderstandings as the bankruptcy
alternative will be adopted if required and the existing shareholders then will
be left with zero value.
It is also emphasised that an already submitted power of attorney, until the EGM
(at 12:00 on 11 November 2022), can be withdrawn and changed to an instruction
to vote in favour of the proposed resolutions at the EGM.
DOF has also noted that certain minority shareholders have expressed that they
have not received required information from DOF. It should in this respect be
noted that representatives of DOF have reached out to a large number of
shareholders in order to explain the information provided to the shareholders
through stock exchange announcements and the notice of the EGM. However, any
shareholder who still require additional information are welcome to contact:
CFO Hilde Drønen, tel. +47 916 61 009
CFO (Acting) Martin Lundberg, tel. +47 916 21 057
Group General Counsel Petter O. Pharo, tel. +47 982 06 477
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity. DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management,
project management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention
and diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
November 3, 2022
The Group's revenue for 3rd quarter (management reporting) totals NOK 2,862
million (NOK 2,052 million) and EBITDA totals NOK 1,030 million (NOK 865
million). The operating profit (EBIT) is NOK 678 million (NOK 488 million). Net
financial cost amounts to NOK -1,126 million (NOK -671 million) incl. unrealised
currency loss of NOK -869 million (NOK -548 million). The net result is a loss
of NOK -519 million (NOK -128 million). The Group's net interest bearing debt is
NOK 23,159 million (NOK 19,847 million) and the book equity is negative with NOK
- 2,212 million (NOK - 1,106 million).
. The average utilisation of the fleet was 88% (83%) in the quarter
. High activity and good performance in the subsea regions
. High activity in Brazil. Lower rates and utilisation in the North Sea spot
market especially for the AHTS fleet
. A high tender activity has resulted in an increased order intake the last
two quarters
. The total current fleet includes 54 vessels (incl. vessels on management or
hired in)
- 15 AHTSs, 11 PSVs and 28 Subsea vessels
- One vessel sold and delivered in the quarter
. Order intake of NOK 3.9 billion in the quarter
. Total backlog of NOK 21.7 billion by end of the quarter
. The Group has signed a Restructuring Agreement with the secured lenders and
a group of bondholders representing 40% of the total outstanding bonds ("The
lenders"), with the purpose of securing a long-term financial solution and
continue as going concern, where the following main terms have been agreed:
- Conversion of approximately NOK 6.2 billion in debt into equity across all
major silos within the Group (DOFCON JV excluded), whereas the holders of
current shares will hold 4% of the shares after the conversion.
- Consolidation of most bilateral facilities at DOF Subsea Group in a single
syndicated loan and refinancing of the DOF Rederi Fleet loan after conversion of
- Amended terms of the Norskan financing including a split in guaranteed
(approx. 70%) and unguaranteed tranches.
- The Restructuring Agreement remains to be approved by the bondholders in DOF
Subsea AS in a bondholder meeting on 7th of November and by the shareholders in
the Company in an extraordinary general meeting on 11th of November.
- The Group and the lenders have agreed alternative implementation steps of the
restructuring should it not be approved by the shareholders.
Please see enclosed 3rd quarter Financial Report 2022.
Webcast is available Thursday, 27th of October at 08:30 on
CEO Mons Aase, Tel + 47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, Tel + 47 91 66 10 09
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
Financial Report 3rd quarter for DOF ASA
October 27, 2022
The DOF Group is pleased to announce extension of a contract in Brazil and new
contracts in West-Africa and in the North Sea.
Petrobras has awarded an extension of the Skandi Amazonas contract with Norskan
Offshore Ltda until March 2023. Skandi Amazonas is a 21.000 class Brazilian
flagged AHTS vessel.
DOF Subsea has have been awarded a contract to support a FPU for a major
operator in West-Africa. The Group will utilise the vessels Skandi Constructor,
Skandi Iceman and Skandi Hera, and one third-party vessel.
Skandi Captain has secured a contract with a client to support drilling
operations in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. The charter will commence
within November 2022 and is expected to provide 100 days of vessel utilisation.
The estimated firm backlog for these contracts is approximately NOK 260 million.
Mons Aase CEO DOF Group said," I'm very pleased with these awards that on top of
an already high order intake, secures good utilisation for the Group in Q4 and
into Q1 2023".
For further information, please contact:
Mons S. Aase, CEO, Tel: +47 91 66 10 12
Hilde Drønen, CFO, Tel +47 91 66 10 09
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
Contract awards
Contract awards DOF Group
October 26, 2022
Reference is made to the resolutions adopted in the bondholders' meetings in DOF
Subsea AS' three bond loans (FRN DOF Subsea AS Senior Unsecured Bond Issue
2013/2020, DOF Subsea AS 9.50% Senior Unsecured Bond Issue 2017/2022 and FRN DOF
Subsea AS Senior Unsecured Bond Issue 2018/2023) on 30 September 2022, whereby
the bondholders on certain conditions approved to extend their waiver from, and
suspension of, all payment obligations under each of the bond loans until 31
October 2022, with a possibility to further extend the standstill arrangement
currently in place to 30 November 2022 with the approval of the ad-hoc group of
bondholders (the "Ad-Hoc Group").
Reference is further made to the announcements on 22 June 2022 regarding the
execution of an agreement (the "Restructuring Agreement") with a substantial
group of creditors and certain other stakeholders on a comprehensive financial
restructuring (the "Restructuring") and the announcements made on 21 October
2022 regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 11 November 2022
relating to the Restructuring and the extension of the standstill arrangements
to 30 November 2022 in accordance with the authority granted to the Ad-Hoc
The completion of the Restructuring is dependent on the bondholders approval of
the Restructuring pursuant to the terms of the Restructuring Agreement. Further,
in the event the Extraordinary General Meeting on 11 November 2022 does not
approve resolutions required to implement the Restructuring, completion of the
Restructuring is dependent on the bondholders approval to implement the
Restructuring through certain alternative implementation steps. DOF Subsea AS
has therefore requested Nordic Trustee AS to summon bondholders' meetings in the
three bond loans to consider the approval of the Restructuring by a consensual
implementation or through alternative implementation steps. The proposal is
further described in the attached summons to the bondholders in the three bond
CEO Mons Aase, tel. +47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, tel. +47 91 66 10 09
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,800 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity. DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management,
project management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention
and diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
October 24, 2022
Reference is made to the announcement made by DOF ASA ("DOF") and its subsidiary
DOF Subsea AS on 22 June 2022 regarding the execution of an agreement (the
"Restructuring Agreement") with a substantial group of creditors and certain
other stakeholders on a comprehensive financial restructuring (the
"Restructuring") and the announcement on 13 October 2022 regarding the update on
the Restructuring process.
The Extraordinary General Meeting relating to the Restructuring will be held on
Friday 11 November 2022 at 12:00 hours as an electronic meeting. Shareholders
who wish to participate and vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting must be
registered with a user profile in the meeting portal Orgbrain (
or submit a proxy to the Company by 12:00 hrs CET on 7 November 2022.
Information about participation and registration is included in the notice and
its appendices and is attached to this announcement and also available on the
Company's website Further information about the electronic
participation will be published on the Company's website and
distributed to the shareholders who fill in and return the registration form.
A paper version of the notice will be sent by post to those shareholders who
have reserved themselves against electronic communication on the VPS Investor
In addition, DOF is pleased to announce that the senior creditors that are
parties to the Restructuring Agreement have agreed to extend the Long Stop Date
in the Restructuring Agreement to 30 November 2022, and that the ad-hoc group of
bondholders in DOF Subsea AS' bond loans (FRN DOF Subsea AS Senior Unsecured
Bond Issue 2013/2020, DOF Subsea AS 9.50% Senior Unsecured Bond Issue 2017/2022
and FRN DOF Subsea AS Senior Unsecured Bond Issue 2018/2023) has extended the
standstill arrangements with the bondholders to 30 November 2022 in accordance
with the authority granted in the bondholders' meetings held on 30 September
2022. The sole purpose of such extensions is to enable that the agreed
Restructuring can be implemented.
For further information, please contact:
CEO Mons Aase, tel. +47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, tel. +47 91 66 10 09
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity. DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management,
project management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention
and diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
October 21, 2022
DOF ASA will release the Q3 results on Thursday 27th of October 2022. The report
will be available at and
The presentation will be held as a webcast at 08:30 CET the same day on:
The presentation will be held by CEO Mons S. Aase and CFO Hilde Drønen.
If you have questions, please contact the Company.
CEO Mons Aase, Tel + 47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, Tel + 47 91 66 10 09
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
Invitation to presentation of Q3 2022 results
October 19, 2022
DOF Subsea is pleased to announce the award of a 3-year contract for two vessels
with Esso Exploration & Production Guyana Limited. Under the agreement, DOF
Subsea will perform IMR, well intervention support, and light subsea
construction activities to support the growing subsea infrastructures in the
Stabroek Block offshore Guyana.
Two Multipurpose Support Construction Vessels with 250-ton AHC crane and 2 work
class ROV systems will be deployed in Guyana for 3-year terms, plus 2 years
The first vessel will mobilize in late October while the second vessel is
planned to commence in January 2023.
Mons S Aase, CEO, DOF Subsea said, "I am extremely happy with this contract
award from ExxonMobil Guyana, and entering the important and flourishing
Guyanese market. The award further underlines DOF's leading position in the IMR
The estimated firm backlog for the group is approximately NOK 2.7 billion.
For further information, please contact:
CEO Mons Aase, tel. +47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, tel. +47 91 66 10 09
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,900 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With 40 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
Contract awards
DOF Subsea awarded MPSV Contracts in Guyana
October 21, 2022
DOF Rederi AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of DOF ASA, has signed a 5-year
contract for the PSV Skandi Feistein with Esso Australia Pty Ltd.
The contract will commence in second half 2019. Skandi Feistein is a large PSV
built in Norway in 2011.
Mons S. Aase, CEO DOF ASA comments: "This is a very important win for us. It is
our first long term contract with Esso in Australia and an important step in our
strategy of growing our fleet in the APAC region. I think this award is further
proof of our ability to deliver world class services on a global basis."
For further information, please contact:
CEO Mons S. Aase, +47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, +47 91 66 10 09
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,500 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 35 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
Contract awards
Long term contract for PSV Skandi Feistein with Esso Australia
August 6, 2019
DOF Subsea Group is proud to announce the successful contract award for a major
operator within the UKCS sector to decommission subsea infrastructure in Q3,
2019. The works will be undertaken by the Skandi Skansen together with DOF owned
AHTS vessels. This is the second award with the same operator in as many months
in the decommissioning segment.
For further information, please contact:
Mons S. Aase, CEO - Tel: +47 91 66 10 12
Hilde Drønen, CFO - Tel: +47 91 66 10 09
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,500 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 35 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
Contract awards
Contract award for Skandi Skansen
August 8, 2019
DOF ASA will present the Q2 results 2019 at Norges Rederiforbund, Rådhusgt. 25,
7th floor, Oslo, on Tuesday 20 August 2019 at 08:30.
The presentation will be held by CEO Mons S. Aase and CFO Hilde Drønen.
Due to practical reasons we ask those of you interested in attending the
presentation, to please register to Margrethe R. Østervold, e-mail,
within Friday 16 August 2019.
The presentation will be webcasted at
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,500 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 35 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
Invitation to presentation of Q2 2019 results
August 12, 2019
The Group's operating income for 2nd quarter (management reporting) totals NOK
1,854 million (NOK 1,804 million) and the operating profit before depreciation
and impairment (EBITDA) totals NOK 669 million (NOK 560 million). The Ebitda
adjusted for hedge accounting is NOK 712 million (NOK 594 million) and the
operating profit (EBIT) is NOK 181 million (NOK 179 million), of which
depreciation and impairment total NOK 488 million (NOK 380 million).
The average utilisation of the Group's fleet during the 2nd quarter was 74% ; 67%
for the subsea fleet, 69% for the AHTS fleet and 93% for the PSV fleet.
The market has improved for the supply fleet, but the market is still
challenging for the Subsea IMR fleet. The vessels on term contracts have
achieved high utilisation in the quarter.
The Group's backlog is NOK 20 billion.
As reported in 1st quarterly report, the Group experienced that regular
refinancing has been challenging and a short-term refinancing has been secured
during 2nd quarter. The Board and Management are working on a long-term solution
to secure satisfactory financing and liquidity for the Group.
The operational Ebitda in 2nd half 2019 is expected to be higher than 1st half
Please see enclosed 2nd quarter Financial Report 2019
Webcast is available Tuesday, 20th August 2019 at 08:30 on
CEO Mons Aase, Tel + 47 91 66 10 12
CFO Hilde Drønen, Tel + 47 91 66 10 09
With a multi-national workforce of about 3,500 personnel, DOF ASA is an
international group of companies which owns and operates a fleet of modern
offshore/subsea vessels, and engineering capacity to service both the offshore
and subsea market. With over 35 years in the offshore business, the group has a
strong position in terms of experience, innovation, product range, technology
and capacity.
DOF's core businesses are vessel ownership, vessel management, project
management, engineering, vessel operations, survey, remote intervention and
diving operations primarily for the oil and gas sector. From PSV charter to
Subsea engineering, DOF offers a full spectrum of top quality offshore services
to facilitate an ever-growing and demanding industry.
The company's main operation centers and business units are located in Norway,
the UK, the USA, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Angola, and Australia.
DOF ASA is listed on the Oslo Exchange since 1997.
Historical OSE Notices
Financial Report 2nd quarter for DOF ASA
August 20, 2019