Investor relations

Articles of Association

Registration number: 930 053 112
Date: 1 November 2024

(English office translation. In case of discrepancies, the Norwegian original version shall prevail)

Article 1 - Name

The company’s name is DOF Group ASA. The company is a public limited liability company.

Article 2 - Object of the company

The object of the company is to engage in trading and shipping business and other offshore related activity, including participation in other companies with the same or similar objects.

Article 3 – Registered offices

The company’s registered office is in the municipality of Austevoll.

Article 4 – Shares

The company's share capital is NOK 615,696,637.50, divided into 246,278,655 ordinary shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 2.50.

The company’s shares shall be registered in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (Euronext Securities Oslo (ES-OSL)).

Article 5 – Board of directors

The company’s board of directors shall consist of four to seven members, as determined by the general meeting. The chairman of the board of directors is elected by the general meeting.

Article 6 – Nomination committee

The company shall have a nomination committee. The nomination committee shall make proposals for election of board members and their remuneration to the general meeting. The nomination committee shall consist of three members with a service period of two years, unless the general meeting decides otherwise in connection with the election. The majority of the members of the nomination committee shall be independent of the board of directors and the company's management.

The general meeting shall elect members of the nomination committee, including the chair, stipulate guidelines for the nomination committee and determine remuneration to the committee’s members.

Article 7 – General meeting

The following is the business of the ordinary general meeting:
i. Approval of the annual accounts and annual report, including the distribution of dividend; and
ii. Other matters which, pursuant to applicable law or the company's articles of association, are the business of the ordinary general meeting.

Documents concerning matters to be considered at the company's general meeting, including documents which by law must be included in or enclosed to the notice of the general meeting, need not be sent to shareholders if the documents are made available on the company's website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a shareholder may request a copy of documents regarding matters to be considered at the general meeting.

The board of directors may decide that shareholders who want to participate in the general meeting must notify the company thereof within a specific deadline that cannot expire earlier than two days prior to the general meeting.

The shareholders may cast their votes in writing, including through electronic communication, during a period prior to the general meeting. The board of directors may establish specific guidelines for such advance voting. The guidelines set must be described in the notice of the general meeting.

It is only shareholders holding shares registered in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (Euronext Securities Oslo (ES-OSL)) five trading days prior to the general meeting who shall have the right to attend the general meeting.

Article 8 - Signature

The Company's power of signature may be exercised by the chairman of the board of directors alone or two directors jointly.

The board of director's may grant procuration.

