
DOF GROUP ASA - Annual general meeting

The annual general meeting (AGM) of DOF Group ASA was held today as a digital meeting with online participation. All proposals on the agenda were adopted, cf. the notice of the AGM that was published on 2 May 2024.

The AGM elected five board members. Svein Harald Øygard was re-elected as chair of the board, Harald Lauritz Thorstein, Daniela Maia Ribeiro Fernandez Davila and Christine J. Brennet were re-elected as board members, and Adrian Geelmuyden was elected as a new board member. The election and re-elections are for the period until the annual general meeting in 2025. The board of DOF Group ASA thus consists of the following persons:
- Svein Harald Øygard (chair of the board)
- Harald Lauritz Thorstein
- Daniela Davila
- Christine J. Brennet
- Adrian Geelmuyden

The complete minutes of the annual general meeting are attached to this release and are also available on

For further information, please contact:
Mons S. Aase, CEO, DOF Group ASA
Phone: + 47 91 66 10 12

Hilde Drønen, CFO, DOF Group ASA
Phone: + 47 91 66 10 09

>>> All AGM related materials can be found here:

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